07 Steps to start a Supermarket / Hypermarket: Organisation Structure

07 Steps to start a Supermarket / Hypermarket: Organisation Structure


2 min read

In this ongoing series of stepwise setups of the entire supermarket business, we will discuss the third step which is the organizational structure of your supermarket venture. It is commonly observed that this aspect of the supermarket business faces more neglect by the owners, instead of the unknown fact to many that it plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining asuccessful supermarket business.

What is Organization Structure

Organizational structure outlines how particular activities are directed within a company to accomplish its goals.

here are many things that can go into these activities, including roles, responsibilities, and rules. Organizing a company by level also determines how information is transferred. You should have a clear idea about how many people would be required at what positions, what will be their job profiles, their KPIs (Key Performing Indicators), and also the reporting structure which lets you know what kind of reports you will get on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Why Is It Important

  • In order to ensure the most effective performance from your employees, you need to define their roles and responsibilities well in detail before you hire them. They may be cashiers, store managers, sales executives, helpers, and delivery boys, and their roles and responsibilities should be outlined in detail before you hire them. If you don’t, you’ll have an expectation gap and a delivery gap.

  • In most cases right now supermarket turns out to be the second line of business for the owners. Many among them want to diversify their business considering the fact even in tough times the hypermarket business has performed well. The fact you want to diversify also means you cannot sit at the cash counter because if you do so you can never expand your business or grow your chain.

  • A supermarket can only make profits if it is managed well, it is not that you have the option of selling very different kinds of products like otherretail businessessuch as furniture,fashion, apparel, etc. where you have different kinds of products for which the customers will come especially to you. In supermarkets that is not the case, your management is going to decide what margins you make, because it totally depends on how smoothly and efficiently your organization runs the supermarket store.

  • For more information Visit us : yourretailcoach.africa