07 Steps to start a Supermarket / Hypermarket: Systems & Processes (SOPs)

07 Steps to start a Supermarket / Hypermarket: Systems & Processes (SOPs)


3 min read

From the organization structure, we move on to the next step. This is the process ofdesigning SOPs. SOPs are written instructions that describe how a routine task should be performed step-by-step. It is necessary to define them for all departments to start with, such as purchasing, accounts, sales, marketing, human resources, information technology, inventory management, housekeeping, and security.

To run a supermarket successfully, there are approximately 13 departments, and what each is responsible for, how they are responsible for it, why they are responsible for it, and when they are responsible for it must be spelled out. All the processes you need, from inverting your goods to barcoding them to stacking them, racking them, bringing them to the store, managing inventories, managing fast-movers, slow-movers, expiry stocks, taking care of your entire accounting system, your cash counter, right from the receipt to the dialing of cash. Unlike earlier when there were only one or two payment modes available, these days there are multiple wallet options to receive money such as Google Pay, Paytm, PhonePe, etc. We will further discuss a few departments in whichSOPshave a significant role to play.

  • Inventory Management

When it comes to inventory management, it’s extremely important to properly manage your inventory as You can use inventory management to determine what stock to order at what time and how much. Inventory management is primarily concerned with ensuring that there is enough stock to meet demand without creating excess stock. Inventory management is one of the steps that determine how much you will create from your business. It is therefore very necessary to set up your grocery ordering cycle based on your inventory reports when it comes to a supermarket. You will be notified when you reach the minimum order quantity and need to buy the product in these inventory reports. There are many tools and software available in the market which could strengthen your expiry stock management, slow-moving product management, and complete inventory ordering system. If you are confused about making the right choice you could consult a reputed supermarket consultant.

  • Human Resource Department

The HR department begins with choosing the right candidates, onboarding them, training them, and defining the entire entry-to-exit process. Also, supermarkets have longer working hours than normal retail because they generally open early these days. Some start as early as eight or seven in the morning and may run for 24 hours a day. Therefore, if that’s the case and you’ve got those licenses, you should be very sure to have adequate HR policies regarding attendance, time, leave, and appraisals. Everything has to be in place from the very beginning. Robust SOPS will enable you to retain your team efficiently and grow faster.

  • Customer Satisfaction

Having multiple stores can make it difficult to function in a standardized manner and become a reputed brand. The customer should have the same experience in all of your stores, whether they are in Pune or Mumbai. This can only be achieved through strong SOPs. The SOPs also help you define the complete customer journey, including all the touch points related to the customer during the entire shopping journey. Business owners may wonder what their USP is, but they tend to focus on products rather than services. The USP ofsupermarket businessesis the service, not the product. Customers are provided with optimum services through standard operating procedures. You decide the growth of your supermarket business by how well you serve your customers during in-store shopping, home delivery, or online shopping. In addition, SOPs are crucial when it comes to building a brand’s value via online channels such as online grocery stores and dark stores.

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